All the roadworks in Hull next week including roads that…


All the roadworks in Hull next week including roads that…

Anyone planning to drive in Hull over the next week should make note of several roadworks which could add extra time to journeys. There are planned road closures, lane closures and two-way traffic signals scheduled to take place next week. Some roadworks are from projects that have been going on for a long time, such as the A63, but others are new and people may not be aware they are happening. With Freedom Festival coming up, there is also a warning of road closures in the city centre from August 30 to September 1 although the full details have yet to be announced. The Council has published its weekly traffic and travel update which you can view below. READ MORE: Mobile speed cameras in Hull and East Yorkshire August 19-25 Keep up to date with all the latest Hull traffic and travel news with our free newsletter The roadworks in Holderness Road were originally forecast to be finished in August, but are now expected to conclude on September 6. Elsewhere in east Hull, there will be a lane closure in Preston Road. See below for more details. Upcoming and existing roadworks for w/c August 16: Hotham Road North From August 19 until August 21, the road will be closed due to a telecoms mast installation on the island at the junction of Bricknell Avenue by Hutchison 3g Limited. Lowgate From August 20 to September 3 there will be temporary traffic lights while Northern Powergrid installs a new mains cable at the junction of Alfred Gelder Street. A63 improvement scheme – St James Street to Market Place From 2001 until May next year, there will be road closures due to the full infrastructure change on the A63. National Highways is car

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