Travel Advice for Sweden
Information about the risks from terrorism (‘Safety and security’ page).
Updated information on satellite phones and other devices('Safety and security' page). read more
Updated information on risks from terrorism (‘Safety and security’ page). read more
New information on Bishwa Ijtema (‘Safety and security’ page). read more
Updated information on the South Africa-Mozambique border ('Warnings and insurance' and 'Safety and security' pages). read more
Removal of information about the closure of Holyhead Port ('Warnings and insurance' page). read more
Updated information on visa requirements ('Entry requirements' page). read more
Updated information about the risks of terrorism in North Macedonia ('Safety and security' page). read more
Updated information about protests and shortages of food and fuel (‘Safety and security’ page). read more
Clarification on requirements for entering Lithuania from Belarus and Russia (‘Entry requirements’). read more
information about the possible disruption to flights due to recovery efforts following a fatal air accident in Washington DC ('Warning and insurance' page) read more