Nine driving offenders sentenced by magistrates in Hull last week


Nine driving offenders sentenced by magistrates in Hull last week

People caught driving whilst under the influence of drugs and motorists over the legal alcohol limit have been sentenced by magistrates in Hull in recent days. Motorists who drove whilst disqualified and without insurance also appeared in court, where magistrates handed out driving bans, points on licences, suspended sentences and hefty fines to people from across Hull and East Yorkshire. Here are several driving offenders who appeared at Hull Magistrates' Court last week. READ MORE: The lying, the weed and the 'wardrobe' – secret cannabis factory was 'like Narnia' Murder of 'Britain's worst paedophile' at HMP Full Sutton could have been avoided, report finds Reece King, 41, of Cowslip Chase, Kirk Ella pleaded guilty to driving whilst under the influence of cocaine and failing to provide a specimen of blood when asked by police to do so. He also indicated pleas of guilty to possessing class A, B and C drugs. He was disqualified from driving for one year, given an 18-month suspended sentence order and ordered to pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service. Ashley Holbrook, 39, of Cranham Grove, Hull pleaded guilty to driving whilst under the influence of cannabis, driving without insurance and driving above the speed limit. He was disqualified from driving for 18 months, fined £570 and ordered to pay a £228 victim services surcharge and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service. Hull Magistrates' Court (Image: Hull Live) Richard Allanson, 39, of Mintfields Road, Beverley pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen of blood when asked

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