Aim to demolish 100 Hull council garages a year and…


Aim to demolish 100 Hull council garages a year and…

Around 100 council-owned domestic garages across Hull are set to be demolished every year with the land used for off-street parking, a document shows. A Hull City Council decision record stated it was continuing on with its programme to reduce the number of garages amid dwindling occupancy. Council Housing Portfolio Holder Cllr Paul Drake-Davis said it would allow the underused spaces to be repurposed which would benefit tenants and residents. It comes as the council has demolished more than 260 blocks with almost 2,000 garages since 2013 when its reduction programme began. There are around 4,000 garages in more than 650 blocks across Hull and the current occupancy rate is less than half. READ MORE: Hull's six most congested roads and how long it takes to drive down them Traders in historic left behind Beverley Road high street react to 'sorely needed' regeneration project There are 57 blocks with 217

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