Hull City Council considering ‘lane rental’ scheme to charge utility…


Hull City Council considering ‘lane rental’ scheme to charge utility…

Hull City Council is considering creating a new lane rental scheme which it is hoped could reduce the disruption caused by roadworks and improve efficiency. If implemented, the scheme, which was discussed at a Cabinet meeting on Monday (May 20), could see works undertaken by utility companies incur a daily fee of up to £2,500 for digging up the busiest sections of Hull's roads and pavements during peak hours. The authority says it is hoped it would encourage those carrying out works to do so in a “less disruptive manner”, freeing up the roads and limiting their time on site. Hull City Council's Cabinet has now given the green light to explore the idea. Councillor Mark Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, and Highways, said: “Works carried out on the highway are necessary in order to provide and maintain essential services and transport networks on which we all depend. READ MORE: Work begins on 'one of the biggest council house new-build developments to start in Hull for many years' How Peter Pan Park could soon be home to dragonflies, newts and nesting birds “However, whilst they are essential, Hull’s r

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