Hull schoolgirl designs railway safety poster with important message


Hull schoolgirl designs railway safety poster with important message

A Hull schoolgirl has crafted a winning railway safety poster with the crucial message to “stay on the right track” and avoid trespassing on railway lines. Paula, an 11 year old student from Adelaide Primary School, won in a competition organised by TransPennine Express (TPE) as part of their ongoing collaboration with the school. The students were tasked with designing a poster to emphasise the importance of maintaining safety while using the rail network. Trespassing is a significant issue on railways, with approximately 19,000 incidents reported annually – nearly one for every mile of track in the country. Read more: Get the headlines direct to your phone by joining us on WhatsApp Keep up to date with all the latest breaking news and top stories from Hull with our free newsletter The contest was held in conjunction with Rail Safety Week, which spans from Monday 24 June to Sunday 30 June 2024. Led by the Rail Forum, the week is dedicated to promoting safety across all aspects of rail travel. Paula's winning design will be showcased across TPE's 19 stations, and she received a Kindle Fire tablet as her prize. Steve O&apo

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